Seattle's Swankiest New Years Eve Party at Club Sur! Welcome in 2018 at Seattle's coolest party.... New Years Eve GLAMORAMA 2018 @ Club Sur! With two fun themed rooms * Three AWESOME bands* Amazing Deejays Tickets still available at Stranger Tickets In the Copacabana Ballroom Prom Date MIXTAPE: The Ultimate Live 80's Tribute! (Two sets at 10:30 & 11:30 p.m). plus The Spyrographs The best Spy, Pop, Tiki and Surf hits of the 1960’s. (8:30 - 10 p.m). In the … Continue reading...
Fun Stuff
Fun stuff, odd events around the Seattle area.
Darling Tiny Home on Camano Island, North of Seattle
3904 Sweet Pea Lane Camano Island, WA 98282 $185,000 Tiny Living in this sweet tiny home on acreage in natural beauty with several outbuildings and warm cabin settled in the privacy of Camano Island. There is a shop/garage/art studio and some yurt type buildings currently used for storage. Great camping site. Cabin has a wood stove, kitchen with eating room, separate back entry storage area, full bath with compost toilet, bedroom loft and even more storage space. … Continue reading...
Click here to play Whack an Agent! … Continue reading...
Unusual Homes in the Pacific Northwest
Unusual Homes and Amazing Architecture in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest Since humans began living in caves, they had the urge to decorate their dwellings. For most people, it's an understandable wish to beautify and embelish their homes, surroundings and environments. For others, this decorating becomes an obsession. And for some people, it becomes a life quest, a way to articlulate a vision and to validate a life. It's an attempt to make a dream a reality and to share that dream with … Continue reading...
Tiki Dawn’s Party
Tiki Party - Sunday 9/17/06 at the home of Dawn Frasier Otto von Stroheim signs Tiki Art Now! Nothing like a refreshing flaming cocktail to take the edge off a Sunday afternoon. Elicia and Sweet Pea Otto getting directions from Jo in Dawn's tiki van. Cheers Peter ! Gotta love this doll !!! This is super-fresh Iggy Green's Cool Creation CLICK on the links below for pics of more September 15 - 17/06 Tiki Weekend Events CLICK HERE to see pics of the "Tiki Art … Continue reading...
Stuff I Like
ART Shag Mark Ryden Tikis by Bosko Official Coop Website San Francisco Art Lab Timothy Patrick Butler's Weird Art Richard Powers Cyber Art Gallery Art of Stephen Kasner Herb Lane Museum Art of Sean Madden Copro/Nason Fine Art Asylum Of Satan Art of Cire Clayton Brothers Stanislav Sukalski Austin Osman Spare Archive Emek Fine Arrght Monster Fetish-DB Paul McNeil Anthony Ausgang Jeff Raglus Giant/Shepard Fairey Illicit NZ The Richard M. Powers Compendium World of Wassco/Chip Wass Lounge … Continue reading...
Buster’s Big Adventure
A true story by Seattle Metro Transit Operator #8194, Darold Andersen Driving Route 73 (Jackson Park to Downtown METRO bus), at 5:47 am, I noticed a white little fur ball running down the road towards the bus. I pulled the bus into the zone at 15 NE at Northgate Way, south bound. As this little dog ran by the door, I asked, Are you lost? To my surprise he stopped and jumped onto the bus. I asked the passengers on the bus if anyone had time to try to find the owner, thinking the dog … Continue reading...
Buster’s Big Adventure
A true story by Seattle Metro Transit Operator #8194, Darold Andersen Driving Route 73 (Jackson Park to Downtown METRO bus), at 5:47 am, I noticed a white little fur ball running down the road towards the bus. I pulled the bus into the zone at 15 NE at Northgate Way, south bound. As this little dog ran by the door, I asked, Are you lost? To my surprise he stopped and jumped onto the bus. I asked the passengers on the bus if anyone had time to try to find the owner, thinking the dog … Continue reading...
Dead Elvis Party
DEAD ELVIS PARTY Helen Ann Gately, aka "Hell on Wheels", Seattle's only female Elvis Impersonator and catering queen! Worshiping at the "Shrine of Elvis" Toby "Accordion Elvis" Hanson, serenading the crowd with Elvis tunes and polka classics. A swell time was had by all.... Kelly Lyles, looking ravishing, as usual. A magic moment at the Dead Elvis Party. Victuals and Party Sustanance from "Are You … Continue reading...
Elvis Invitationals 2009
Seattle Invitationals 2009 2009 Poster Seattle Invitationals (Formerly Elvis Invitationals) Jimmy Peschel Elvis Sweet Pea, Marlow and Nathan Jimmy, Marlow, Sweet Pea and Jim Dever Brett Wiggens Elvis Marlow Harris and Helen Anne Gately (Hellon Wheels) Dino Macris Blue Calcutta Marlow Harris, Enjay Santos and Sweet Pea Helen Anne Gately, Kelly Lyles, … Continue reading...