There is a housing affordability crisis in Washington impacting buyers, sellers, and renters from Seattle to Spokane. Growing pressure and demand for housing leads to skyrocketing prices and low housing supply. Families in all income groups are struggling to find homeownership opportunities. This impacts every part of the housing and rental markets in Washington.
According to the University of Washington’s Center for Real Estate Research, first-time buyers in King, Snohomish, Pierce and Kittitas Counties face home prices that are nearly double what they can afford.
Washington Realtors is working with our state and local elected officials to solve this growing crisis in our communities. That includes educating lawmakers about the real world impacts on all Washingtonians.
What can be done to help with housing affordability in Seattle?
All residents of Washington will benefit from affordable ownership opportunities and, among other things, we need to encourage condo, townhome, and small lot building and zoning – especially near our transit lines.
But accessible and affordable housing can’t be solved by the private sector alone.. This is a statewide problem that requires action by the state legislature, as well as local officials and even the federal government.
And for starters, we need to educate our elected officials about how the lack of affordable housing impacts the residents of our state.
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